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Calculator Sharp EL501X / EL501X2

Calculator Sharp EL501X / EL501X2

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Scientific calculator performs 131 functions and features a 10-digit LCD numeric screen. Functions include complex number calculations, percent, sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh, square root and more. Calculator is approved for tests including AP Chemistry, AP Physics, PSAT/NMSQT, SAT I, SAT II, Math IC, and Math IIC. Battery-powered.

Calculator TI BA II Plus

Calculator TI BA II Plus

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The BA II Plus™ calculator is approved for use on the following professional exams: Chartered Financial Analyst®* exam, GARP® Financial Risk Manager (FRM®)† exam, Certified Management Accountants®‡ exam.

  • Easy-to-read, 10-digit display
    Prompted display shows current variable label and values.
  • Calculate IRR and NPV for cash-flow analysis
    Store up to 24 uneven cash flows with up to four-digit frequencies; edit inputs to analyze the impact of changes in variables.
  • Time-value-of-money function
    Quickly solve calculations for annuities, loans, mortgages, leases and savings.
  • Depreciation schedules
    Choose from six methods for calculating depreciation, book value and remaining depreciable amount.
  • Interest rate conversions
    Convert between annual (nominal) and effective interest rates.